Monday, June 8, 2015

3 best and worst

 3 Best:
The diffused light makes the pic look cool and the hair have a red tint. Also the model twirling around in circles with a bit of blurriness is good with panning.

I had good lighting, did a good close up and strong center of focus. The picture is a nice self portrait and stands out.
Unique pose by the model, strong interest of focus with dark background. Lighting also shines directly on model with flattering camera angle. 

3 Worst:

Bad action pic, doesn't reach requirements, also background isn't good. There is a shadow in background and stuff behind the road pic showing.

This pic has no meaning, the water bottle is being distracted by random things in background. Too much going on in one pic.

The lighting isn't flattering for the chair and is mainly on the edge of the picture. This picture is out of order and should of been taken with a more basic background.
copy and paste

